• Natrum Muriaticum 30C Pellets Half Dram

    Natrum muriaticum pellets are indicated for Sneezing, Colds, Exhaustion, Hay fever, Hives.  Natrum muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy used for sadness, headaches, constipation, colds, hay fever and more.  Indications for its use include:...
  • Calcarea Phosphorica 30C Pellets Half Dram

    Calcarea phosphorica pellets are indicated for Stiffness, Bone Pain, Chills, PMS, Teething. Calcarea phosphorica is a homeopathic remedy often used for teething, bone pains, stiffness and headaches. This remedy is made from mineral sources...
  • Carbo Vegetablis 30C Pellets Half Dram

    Carbo vegetablis pellets are indicated for Exhaustion, Belching, Bloating, Confusion, Indigestion.  Carbo vegetablis is a homeopathic remedy commonly used to treat a number of conditions including indigestion with much bloating, burping and...
  • Arnica Montana 30C Pellets Half Dram

    Arnica montana pelletsare indicated for Bruises, Boils, Jet lag.  Arnica montana is a homeopathic remedy commonly used for blunt trauma to muscle tissue, bruises, and muscle soreness.  It's actually made from a plant that has been used...
  • Mercurius Vivus 30C Pellets Half Dram

    Mercurius vivus pellets are indicated for Sore throat, Boils, Diarrhea, Itching, Sinus problems.  Mercurius vivus is a homeopathic remedy often used for sore throats with burning pain and a constant desire to swallow.  There is often a...