About Us

Nature’s Farmacy was founded in 1984 by Jeanette Pickett in her quest to better the health and well-being of her beloved Great Danes. Not only are Great Danes a giant breed and therefore tend to suffer the traditional giant breed maladies – short life span, joint issues, etc. – but they are also known for their higher instances of bloat. No one wants to lose a beloved companion to bloat. It is to that end that Jeanette spent hours upon hours of research, not only by reading published studies and speaking to other researchers and veterinarians but also through her own experiences as a breeder and successful competitor in the dog show ring since 1968, as well as listening to her fellow Great Dane breeders, show competitors and any other avid Great Dane enthusiasts who had a story to tell and experiences to share. With that expansive knowledge base and combined wisdom, she has wholeheartedly recommended probiotic supplementation to the dog lovers’ community since the early 1980s. Only now has the rest of the world caught on to the need for probiotic supplementation, and it’s been almost 40 years of sharing it for Nature’s Farmacy! In addition to the use of probiotics and enzymes comes a whole food, species-appropriate homemade diet, and a superior vitamin mineral omega blend for complete base nutrition. The combinations of which see our Great Danes living full happy lives on average from 12 to 14 years and beyond!

During the last 4 decades, Nature’s Farmacy has grown to be the place for dog show professionals, and now pet owners worldwide, to turn to for the best nutritional help for their dogs. Our mobile storeis a common fixture at major dog shows along the east coast. Nature’s Farmacy’s primary objective is to observe, respect and recreate nature’s path to health in our dogs, cats, horses and zoo animals with exceptional ingredient products. You cannot fool Mother Nature! We strive to work with both Nature & Science so that our companion animals have longer, healthier lives.

Nature’s Farmacy is still a family-owned and managed company based in Jasper, Georgia. While Jeanette is still involved in the company, her daughter Lori Pickett is the company President. We are not just a products company – we are a family and support team, and you are a part of that when you use our products. We think of your dogs as our dogs, too. We want to be the first place you turn to for advice on your animals’ wellness. Our staff is always available to call, email, or chat with for help. We are working to build an online community knowledge base to use as a forum to share our vast collection of research and to serve as a place to discuss and learn from one another.

Nature’s Farmacy was the first to market with its ground-breaking organic, high-potency probiotics for dogs. Since then, our commitment to sustainability and ingredient integrity has set us apart. You can always trust that with Nature’s Farmacy products, you are getting the highest-quality products possible at a cost you can feel good about and afford long term. We will continue to be Pioneers in Probiotics and Animal Nutrition together!
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Call us or contact us today for a free nutrition consultation, and find out why our customers trust Nature's Farmacy exclusively with their pets' wellness.